WOD for Saturday, May 30, 2020

Saturday 30.5.2020

At the Gym

4 x 8
First set with a dead stop
Last three sets can be touch n go, but no bouncing from the floor. One set more than last week, so try to keep the same weight or add some kilos. New deadlift cycle next week!

1. 10+10 single leg deadlift
2. 10-15 weighted sit ups
3. 10+10 bulgarian split squats
4. 30 sec plank weight transfers
5. 10+10 single arm bent over row
6. 10-20 push ups
7. 10-15 bicep curls

*Not much time to rest so small weights are recommended. You might get sweaty here too 😉


1. 10 + 10 Single leg deadlift
2. 10-20 Single leg v up
3. 10-20 alternating skater squats
4. 10 + 10 side plank hip lifts
5. 10 + 10 Single leg glute bridge
6. 10-20 hollow flies
7. 10 + 10 Single arm bent over row
8. 30 sec of gymnastics swim
9. 10 + 10 rotator cuff rotations
10. 10-20 bicep curls