WOD for Thursday, Jul 30, 2020

Warm up EMOM

1. Kb bottom up press + windmill (3+3/3+3)
2. Kips at bar (5-10)
3. Gymnastics swim (20sec breast + 20sec front crawl)
4. Inch worm + push up (3-5)
5. DU practise

Shoulder press

Shoulder press
1 x 5 @65% of 90% 1RM
1 x 5 @75% of 90% 1RM
1 x 5+ @85% of 90% 1RM

*If you did these last month – You can add 2.5 kilos to your 1rm and count from that. If you didn’t and you don’t know your 1rm try to guess it with your coach. Warm up for work sets can be: 40% x5, 50% x5 and 60% x3. Work sets performed every 3 minutes. The plus mark in the last set means you will do as many reps as you can with a solid technique.

Gymnastics skills

1. Rope climb
2. Hand stand walk / Handstand hold / Shoulder taps
3. Rest

*Choose the reps yourself – focus is on improving skills not conditioning.