WOD for Friday, Aug 12, 2022

Unbroken 2022 karsintalaji

1.PART 0:00-7:00
7 min AMRAP:

21 Wall Ball
15 High Box Jump Over
9 Devil's Press (2 x 22.5 kg / 2 x 15 kg)

  1. PART 7:00-14:00
    In 7 minutes:

Find max in Hang Snatch + 2 x Overhead Squat


  1. PART 16:00-23:00
    7 min AMRAP:
    Row 1100 / 900 m
    then rest of the time
    1 Toes to Bar + 1 Pull Up


7 min AMRAP:

21 Wall Ball
15 Box Jump/Step Over
9 Devil's Press (2 x 15 kg / 2 x 10 kg /)

  1. PART
    In 7 minutes:

Find max in Hang Snatch + 2 x Overhead Squat

  1. PART
    7 min AMRAP:
    Row 1100 / 900 m
    then rest of the time
    7 ring rows
    7 ab mat sit ups