WOD for Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022


Technique / Warm Up / Wod Prep
1) "Ylätalja" kumppari tankoon ja keppi sisään – veto kohti rintaa
2) Wall Facing HS / Plank shoulder shrugs
3) Strict Knee raises + Kipping
4) Box Step Ups + Box jumps


6 x 1 min on / 0:30 off

1) 5 BMU + max reps burpee to target
2) 30 DU + max reps abmat sit up
3) 10 m HS walk + max reps Shuttle Run (10m)
4) 15 High Box over jump + Max reps Wall Ball

1) 5-10 Pull Up / Ring Row + max reps burpee to target
2) 30 SU + max reps abmat sit up
3) 3 Wall walk + max reps Shuttle Run (10m)
4) 10 Box over jump + Max reps Wall Ball