WOD for Tuesday, Aug 19, 2014

Skill: Pull-up


  1. Ring row / rows with rope
  2. Negative pull-up
  3. Chin-up (underhand grip)
  4. Pull-up (overhand grip)
  5. L-pull-up

No kipping. Use the 5×10 table:

  • 3 x 2
  • 5 x 2
  • 3 x 4
  • 4 x 4
  • 4 x 6
  • 5 x 6
  • 4 x 8
  • 4 x 10
  • 5 x 10

If you have spare time between this and the metcon, do some static holds chin over the bar.

Gymnastic strength and flexibility

5 rounds for quality:

  • 10 scapula push-ups
  • 10 passive to active hangs with 3 second pause on top (passive hang:

    active hang: meaning that you pull yourself as high as you can while keeping arms straight and body vertical)

  • 30 s german hang with bar or rings, scale down to feet on ground if you can't hold it for 30 seconds. German hang is the bottom position of skin the cat:

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