Skill: Pull-up
- Ring row / rows with rope
- Negative pull-up
- Chin-up (underhand grip)
- Pull-up (overhand grip)
- L-pull-up
No kipping. Use the 5×10 table:
- 3 x 2
- 5 x 2
- 3 x 4
- 4 x 4
- 4 x 6
- 5 x 6
- 4 x 8
- 4 x 10
- 5 x 10
If you have spare time between this and the metcon, do some static holds chin over the bar.
Too many two's
2 rounds for time:
- 22 Box jumps (75/60 cm)
- 22 walking lunge steps
- 22 push-ups
- 2 rope climbs
- 22 hang power snatch (95/65 lbs 42.5/30 kg)