2 x front squat + 2 x jerk
For 20 minutes:
- 2 x front squat + 2 x jerk
"A complex fitness test"
Start a running clock for 20min
Do one complex of
– 5 power clean 60/40kg
– 5 shoulder to overhead
– 5 back squat
rest exactly one minute between complexes
- everybody starts with the given rep scheme
- you may not scale the weight during this exercise
- you may not rest the bar on the ground during a complex (not even re-grip)
- when you fail to do the complex with 5 reps of each movement, rest one minute and do your next complex with 3 reps each (3+3+3). Continue with this rep scheme until you can’t do threes anymore. Then, move on to ones (1+1+1).
- if you are unable to start the next complex of ones after EXACTLY one minute, it terminates this exercise
- your score is the amount of 5 rep complexes + reps from sets of threes and ones (for example 6 complexes + 32reps)
- have fun