Kipping practice
Practice kipping for 15 min:
- Can't do a strict pull-up? Focus on T2B/K2E kipping. Practice active hang for a few minutes. Then move to kipping (hollow/arch). If you can do kipping with controlled movement, start raising you feet higher and higher. Don't try to instantly get the full range of motion, find the rhythm first. If your hands get tired from hanging, you can do a few sets of 10 of challenging ring rows.
- If you can do strict pull-ups, but kipping needs practice: Active hang -> hollow/arch kipping -> kipping pull-up – spend 5-10 minutes and then train T2B/K2E
- If you can do kipping and strict pull-ups: practice bar muscle-up or do 5x max reps of bar MUs
Pull-ups, burpees, box jumps and knees to elbows
For 10 min
- first minute do one pull up + one burpee
- second minute 2 + 2
- third minute 3 + 3…
Rest 5 minutes
For 10 minutes
- first minute one box jump + one k2e
- second minute 2 + 2
- third minute 3 + 3…