WOD for Saturday, Apr 04, 2020

Karantreeni "Deck of Corona"

Deck of cards – workout
Spades – Squats (Bodyweight or Goblet squat with any kind of weight you like to use)
Clubs – Burpees
Diamonds – Sit-Ups
Hearts – Ground to over head (Light barbell, KB, DB or odd object)
*Joker = 60 sec rest 😉
Before the clock starts pick the first card from the deck to determine what exercise to do and how many reps. Card value = number of reps. After finishing the reps pick another card and continue until all the cards have been picked.
Don’t have a deck of cards handy? Check out the ’Sweat Deck’ app or ‘Deck of Cards’ app.
HAVE FUN <3 <3 <3