Saturday 18.4
at the gym version
Back Squats
9 back squats @58%
7 back squats @62%
5 back squats @68%
9 back squats @62%
7 back squats @68%
5 back squats @72%
*Perform new set every 2 minutes. % counted from 1rm back squat. If you do not have a clue about your 1rm – Go by the feel, ascending weights when reps are descending. Little bit higher % than last week.
Arm pump
3-4 rounds of
8-10 Skull crushers
8-10 Seated Single arm press (Right arm)
8-10 Seated Single arm press (Left arm)
8-10 Single arm bent over row (Right arm)
8-10 Single arm bent over row (Left arm)
7 bicep curls (From down to halfway)
7 bicep curls (From halfway to all the way up)
7 bicep curls (From down to all the way up)
Rest as needed. For quality and PUMP!
Anywhere version
Legs and core
3-4 rounds of
8-12 Pistol squats
20 Slow mountain climbers
8-12 Weighted Box steps
20 Glute Plank
Rest as needed. For quality
Arm pump
3-4 rounds of
8-10 Skull crushers
8-10 Seated Single arm press (Right arm)
8-10 Seated Single arm press (Left arm)
8-10 Single arm bent over row (Right arm)
8-10 Single arm bent over row (Left arm)
7 bicep curls (From down to halfway)
7 bicep curls (From halfway to all the way up)
7 bicep curls (From down to all the way up)
Rest as needed. For quality and PUMP!
Tips for pistol squats:
Slow paced mountain climbers
Glute plank
Seated single arm press
Variatons for bicep curls if you don’t have equipment:
Skull Crushers: