Tuesday 21.4.2020
at the gym version
2 x 10 split jumps
2 x 5 strict press in split position
2 x 5 tall jerks
5 x 3 split jerks
*Technique work with easyish weights. First two movement with an empty bar just fo practice. Climb up to challenging set of 3 split jerks. Remember focus is in the split position – do not go too heavy.
”Split triplet, ish”
5 Rounds for Time
5 Strict Pull Ups
100 Double-Unders
10 Dumbbell Hang Split Snatches (45/35 lb)
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean-and-Jerks (45/35 lb)
Time Cap: 20 minutes
This event is a modified version of Games 2019 event Split Triplet. Only the pegboard is changed into strict pull ups and Dumbbell weight is scaled into lighter weight. (Games weights were 80/55lbs) Remember the importance of scaling! Double unders should not take over 2 minutes and DB should not be too heavy. These are new movements for most so focus on technique.
Anywhere version
PVC or broomstick jerk technique
2 x 10 split jumps
2 x 10 strict press in split position
2 x 10 tall jerks
2 x 10 split jerks
1. 8-12 Odd object single arm strict press (R)
2. 10-20 hollow rocks
3. 8-12 Odd object single arm strict press (L)
4. 10-20 arch rocks
”Split triplet, ish”
5 Rounds for Time
1 wall climb
5 push ups
100 Double-Unders / Lateral hops over object
10-20 Odd object Hang Split Snatches
10-20 Odd Object Hang Clean-and-Jerks
Time Cap: 20 minutes
Choose reps according to your equipment. If it’s very light and easy – add more reps. Scale double under amount so that it won’t take over 2 minutes.
Video for jerk practise:
Here’s a video of the top women doing this event at the games.
Dumbbell hang split snatch
Dumbbell hang clean and jerk