WOD for Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020

Back squat

Back squat
75% of 90% 1RM x 5 reps
85% of 90% 1RM x 3 reps
95% of 90% 1RM x 1+ reps

*Percentages counted from 1RM are

*Count from the same weight as last week. Warm up for work sets can be: 40% x5, 50% x5 and 60% x3. Work sets performed every 3 minutes. The plus mark in the last set means you will do as many reps as you can with a solid technique.

AMRAP in pairs

Conditioning in pairs
Cash in:
40 DB box step overs
40 m DB front rack lunges
40 burpee over DB
Rest of the time:
AMRAP row calories

*DB 2 x 17,5 / 2 x 12,5
*Split reps how you like
*Score is the amount of calories accomplished