Thelma & Louise
With a partner
0:00 – 10:00
Amrap of
10/7 cal row
7 t2b (RX) / 7 knee raises / toes over hips (scaled)
One person working at a time. Switch after a full round is done.
Rest (yes, 10 minutes of rest)
20:00 – 35:00 (RX)
YGIG, change athletes as you want
40 Thruster @50/35
8 Rope Climb
30 Thruster @50/35
6 Rope Climb
20 Thruster @50/35
4 Rope Climb
rest of the time:
Max reps high box over burpee (30/24)
20:00 – 35:00 (Scaled)
40 Thruster @35/25
6 Rope Climb
30 Thruster @35/25
4 Rope Climb
20 Thruster @35/25
2 Rope Climb
rest of the time:
Max reps box over burpee (24/20)