WOD for Thursday, Aug 25, 2022


Technique / Warm Up / Wod Prep
1) 10 Lat Pull Downs + 10 kips at bar
2) Downdog to Negative Push UP
3) DU practise


6 x 1 min on / 0:30 off

1) 5 BMU + max reps T2B
2) 10 Burpees + Max reps DU's
3) 10-15 HSPU's + max reps wall balls
4) Max Cals / Pick your machine

1) 5-10 Pull Up / Ring Row + max reps knee raises
2) 10 Burpees + Max reps DU's
3) 10-15 Push Ups + max reps wall balls
4) Max Cals / Pick your machine

Jyystö 230822

36min with bar EMOM:

1-6min: 5 Power Snatch + 5 TTB/Knee raises
7-12min: 5 OHS + 5 Box Jump/step up’s
13-18min: 5 Front Squat + 5 Bar over Burpee
19-24min: 5 Push Press + 5 Back Squat
25-30min: 5 Power Clean + 5 HSPU/Push-up
31-36min: 5 Thruster + 5 C2B/Pull-up/Ring row

Loadings: 35/25kg