WOD for Tuesday, Aug 06, 2024

Gymnastics work

EMOM15 (max 30 sec work)
1. 10 Hollow Lat pull downs
2. 10-20 Shoulder taps on plank / HS
3. 10-20 Toes to rings (or toes as high as possible)
4. 10-20 Gymnastics swim
5. 10-20 sec Chin over bar hold


12 x Every 2 min

  1. 1-2 UB set of muscle ups / pull ups* (kipping or strict work)
  2. recovery paced erg of choice the remaining time
  3. 1-2 UB set of HS walk / shoulder taps on plank or HS
  4. recovery paced erg of choice the remaining time
  5. 1-2 UB set of DU's / CO's / SU's
  6. recovery paced erg of choice the remaining time
  7. 1-2 UB set of HSPU / Box Hspu
  8. recovery paced erg of choice the remaining time