WOD for Monday, Dec 02, 2024


5 x Every 2 minutes
3-position Power Snatch

1 x High Hang Power Snatch
1 x Hang Power Snatch
1 x Power Snatch

Back Squat

Build to a set of 3 reps (1-2RIR)
in 8 min

  • 3 x 3 @80% from H3
    every 3 min


EMOM9 (3 rounds)
1. 8-10 Cuban Press
2. 8-10 Prone snow angels (painolla tai ilman)
3. 10-20 Hollow Rocks

WOD for Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024


3 rounds of
1 min on / 30 sec off

  1. Cal Row
  2. 5 D-Ball Clean + max D-ball squats the remaining time
  3. Cal Ski
  4. 5 Devils press + max box step overs the remaining time
  5. Cal Row
  6. 10-20 Wall Ball + max burpees in the remaining time
  7. Cal Bike
  8. DU's / CO's

WOD for Tuesday, Nov 26, 2024

Strict gymnastics work

8 Every 90 sec alternating between (12min)

  1. 5-10 (unbroken) set of strict Pull-ups
  2. 10-15 (unbroken) set of strict HSPU / Box push up


in pairs, one does one total round and the other rows at the same time

6 Kipping Hspu
12 Pistol squats

6 C2B / Kipping pull up / Jumping pull up
6 Hand-release push-up
12 Single leg squats

WOD for Saturday, Nov 23, 2024


3 rounds (E2MOM) as superset
5-10 strict pull up
10 double DB Bent over row

Rest 2 min

3 rounds (E2MOM) as superset
10 Hollow lat pull down
10 prone Y-raise

Conditioning (TEAM)

4 x AMRAP4 / rest 2 (22min)
in teams of 2, as you go I go

2 Rope Climb*
20 Cal Row

20 T2B / knee raises
10 Burpee to target

20 HSPU / HR push ups
40 Air squats

40 DU's
20 Abmat sit ups