WOD for Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday 13.5.2020

At The GYM version

Front Squats & Back Squats

3 sets of

3 front squats followed by 5 back squats
@80-90% from front squat 1rm

*Start with 3 front squats than a quick re-rack into back squats.
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

3 rounds of (Total of 18 minutes)
60 sec on 30 sec rest
1. Weighted Front rack walking lunges
2. Turkish Get Up (R)
3. Weighted Box steps overs
4. Turkish Get Up (L)

You can use a kettlebell or a dumbbell for 1 & 3.
For quality but you will get sweaty here too. 😉


Anywhere version

Squats & Core
3 rounds of
10 goblet squats
10 jumping squats as high as possible
10 Side plank leg raise (R)
10 Side plank leg raise (L)
10 L sit leg raise

*For Quality. Rest as needed.

3 rounds of (Total of 18 minutes)
60 sec on 30 sec rest
1. Weighted Front rack walking lunges
2. Turkish Get Up (R)
3. Weighted Box steps overs
4. Turkish Get Up (L)

You can use a kettlebell or a dumbbell for 1 & 3.
For quality but you will get sweaty here too. 😉