WOD for Thursday, Mar 05, 2015

Skill: Pull-up


  1. Ring row / rows with rope
  2. Negative pull-up
  3. Chin-up (underhand grip)
  4. Pull-up (overhand grip)
  5. L-pull-up

No kipping. Use the 5×10 table:

  • 3 x 2
  • 5 x 2
  • 3 x 4
  • 4 x 4
  • 4 x 6
  • 5 x 6
  • 4 x 8
  • 4 x 10
  • 5 x 10

If you have spare time between this and the metcon, do some static holds chin over the bar.

Partner workout (STOs and burpee pull-ups)

5 min AMRAP:

Max reps Shoulder to overhead (50% of 1RM jerk). One partner is in plank hold while the other does STOs. Switch whenever needed. The rep does not count, if the other is not in the plank position.

Rest 2 min

5 min AMRAP:

Max reps Burpee pull-up. One partner is in active hang from the pull-up bar while the other does burpee pull-ups.

Cool down – sit-ups

50 sit-ups

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