Split jerk triples
Split jerk triples
Use moderate weight
Skin the cats and rowing
10min amrap
- skin the cats
- every time you come off the rings row for 15cal
Back Squat
– 6 x @65%
– 4 x @75%
– 2 x @80%
– 2 x @85%
– 1 x @90%
Followed by
– One set of max reps @85%
At the top of the lift you are allowed only on full breathing cycle: exhale, inhale, brace and descent. Once you take more rest at the top, the set is over.
3 x for max reps against a 3-minute running clock of:
Run 400 Meters
Max Reps Dumbbell Man-Makers (55/35 lbs)
(push-up, power clean, push press)
Rest 2 minutes
Rest 5 minutes
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
30 Power Cleans (60/42,5kg)
150 Double-Unders