WOD for Monday, Nov 08, 2021


A) With a empty bar

3 x 3-5 Muscle snatch from the hips
3 x 3-5 Snatch grip behind the neck push press
3 x 3-5 Tempo OHS
3 x 3-5 Sots press

B) Light weight, max 40kg

3 x 3 Slow pull
3 x 3+3 Slow pull + Power snatch
3 x 3+3+3 Slow pull + Power snatch + OHS
3 x 3 Squat Snatch

C) Moderate weight
1 Squat Snatch


3-4 rounds
10-20 toe touches
10-20 Dead Bugs (without a weight)
10-20 Butt lifts
10-20 Hollow Hold