WOD for Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Gymnastics capacity

Level 1

A1. Test max unbroken Strict HSPU in 5 minutes
A2. 5 x 50% Every 2 minutes

Level 2

A1. Test max unbroken Push ups in 5 minutes
A2. 5 x 50% Every 2 minutes

Push up variations:
– Kipping Hspu, Box HSPU, Push up, Box Push up


AMRAP20 in teams of 2
2 Wall Walk
7 T2B / Kipping leg raise, SC
7 Box jump over / Step over, SC

400m run

One runs the 400m, the other does the amrap. When the run is done, swap roles. Continue where the other left off with the amrap. Score is the amrap.